2019/2020 University of Ghana Main Campus Fees And all You Need to Know.

University of Ghana

University of Ghana, the best ranked University here in Ghana has released it’s schedule of fees for the 2019/2020 academic year. University fees have become an issue of national discussions due to the Parliamentary intervention to address the exponential hikes in the fees.

The Universities have claimed to be making losses whiles parliament has told them to hold on until the fees have been approved by parliament. The University has nevertheless released the schedule of fees for all students in Main Campus.

The schedule of fees for main campus covers all the course and levels of education, from Humanities to Science, Diploma to PhD. Moreover, it is very important for all students and prospective students to read the schedule and pay the relevant fees.

In addition, due to the hard work of student Associations and Groups such as the Students Representative Council (SRC) and Graduate Students Association of Ghana (GRASAG), the University authorities have agreed to allow partial payment of fees for registration into the first semester and the rest of the fees paid before the next semester.

University of Ghana for the 2019/2020 academic year is allowing Ghanaian students to pay at least 60% of academic and 50% of residenial fees. The international students on the other hand are required to pay at least 50% of academic and 50% of residential fees.

Click here to download the schedule of fees

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[…] on this link to download the schedule of fees for Main […]